Embodied Menopause Ceremony
A ceremony to acknowledge your rite of passage, to be witnessed, to be seen, to be celebrated with dignity either as a rehearsal of what’s approaching or an embodiment of the journey so far. To move beyond any negative narratives, normalise and embrace this phase of life as you claim the wise power embedded in each phase of the process.
Embodied menopause because if not now when are we going to prioritise coming home to ourselves, into our bodies and throw out all the projections we took on, what we internalised to be accepted, to be safe enough. This is the truth that builds up a sense of urgency to reset at this life cycle transition. To finally take up more authentic space and expression and in that process share our gifts and experiences as we fill ourselves with us, full, fulfilled.
“And so a rite of passage can be a healing opportunity, especially if we prepare for it, and especially if we know what our themes and patterns are so we can watch for them repeating and so choose a new healed pathway.”
“This ceremony is created as a reclamation of the wisdom held within our bodies.
Ceremony is intentional, it’s a living prayer, a communication with our whole being and creation. Through that process something lands deep within us, a re-patterning that words cannot express. That landing is a healing, a returning to our messy wholeness not just for us, but for our ancestors past, present and unborn.
We reclaim our power by re-enacting our rite of passage through three distinct phases, Separation, Transition and Integration. The final phase requires community to be seen and witnessed therefore it cannot happen in isolation. This ceremony is an opportunity for integration.
I did not choose to facilitate ceremony, it’s a much deeper calling within me that I am passionately driven to create ceremony for our collective healing at this time. If your body hears/feels my words, may you trust your knowing and join”
in love & service Rashpal Kaur X
This is a call to reimagine your story, honouring this important rite of passage.
By the close of the Ceremony, it is my prayer and intention that you feel, seen, witnessed in all your humanity, embraced, pieces of you are healed and you cultivate your journey to messy wholeness.
Dr. Northrup in her book The Wisdom of Menopause, states that the symptoms of peri-menopause can be likened to the labour of childbirth -with the birth this time being giving birth to yourself. She calls menopause "the Mother of all wake up calls.’’ Everything that you have ‘swept under the carpet’ comes out during menopause, for you to deal with, to face, to heal, to let go of and to learn from as you become the next version of you. Whatever needs to come up for you to be this next, healed version of you, will show itself as physical, emotional and spiritual symptoms.
Ceremony Highlights
Well woman yoga, guided meditation and embodied movement to connect with your life force. A death and rebirth journey descending into the darkness and returning to light, holding space to deeply listen and welcome home all parts of yourself.
Offering yourself and being held in deep compassion
Re-membering the lunar rhythms that guide cyclic wisdom
Crossing the threshold, or experimenting being at the borderlines
Experiencing the power of being witnessed, seen, honoured and celebrated
Post Ceremony
(1) Seperation (2) Transition (3) Integration
Each rite of passage has the above distinct phases, it is the integration phase I will hold in prayer for forty days post ceremony (remember the prayer has already begun when this ceremony was birthed.) At times I will provide some prompts to revisit and metabolise your experience. You are also welcomed to hold the ceremony in prayer for all participants and our collective healing. Let me know if you would like to do this so I can vision you as a prayer holder around the prayer circle each day. All ancient cultures acknowledge we heal together.
After the ceremony, my invitation is that you plan the rest of your day to create a big or small space for yourself to be alone to reflect, rest, self care. Life demands make it too easy to move onto the next thing, what would be available to you if you consciously disrupted the busyness with a pause? Much can be stirred through the ceremony, after all you are reflecting on your lived life thus far and the body movements may open gateways into deeper healing. I have learnt through experiencing exhaustion to build in time for self care post facilitation to pause, rest, absorb, assimilate and integrate so I remain resourced and share from an overflowing cup.
Culture places emphasis on the transition phase of a rite of passage, whether that is a birth, wedding, death….. What happens in the time after, the integration phase, also requires our attention and tending to complete the cycle embodied.
Who is the ceremony for?
This ceremony is for anyone who is
transitioning through peri-menopause/menopause, knowing a new life cycle stage is approaching and wants to step into it with support and celebration.
is post menopause.
Ceremony Price
The Ceremony is small and intimate offered to a maximum of 15 participants.
Location to be confirmed
Your Facilitator
Rashpal Kaur seeded the ceremonies offered as a result of her own life journey towards deeper embodiment. Having facilitated women's yoga circles and retreats for a number of years, Ceremony is the next metamorphosis in reconnecting with ourselves and community. The intention of Ceremony is to be seen, witnessed and acknowledged through our life cycle transitions with dignity, support and celebration.
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